Neogene (following the Paleogene series) comes from a ancient Greek word "New Era" and refers to the second geological period of the Cénozoic era. The first hominids appeared then. The origin of humans, or, the origin in general, embraces my approach of photography. Where do we really come from ? Are things even new, or are they rather only a consequence of innumerable random events. How light was perceived at the time ? What if the reason for humans to live is to find a everlasting light ? Photography - etymogycally "the light writing" - is just the point of searching for the appropriate light according to our vision. Whether it is light painting, barely visible, or blind-shiny, the light is the inevitable subject, or means, of photography. Here are some captions of how light looks like trough my eyes, in a dark and cold polish autumn, shot with analog films and home-processed.
Material used : canon A1 camera,. Films : Tmax 3200, ilford Delta 320, Bergger Pancro 400, Foma pan 400 pushed at 3200 iso. Home processed with Foma chemicals. These are scans of the negatives.