Permien - the premian era is the last era from the first geological period, the Paleozoic. It is also when the so far most important massive extinction took place, where only 10 % of aquatic species survived, and 15 % of terrestrial animals only , among them some mammals. It ends the triptych composed of Paleogene and Neogene. Permien is also polysemous, and refers in French to the word "father" and "mine". This series tries to coordinate elements of previous periods with the current ones , together with the one we foresee, we dream of, which may never happen, or that are premonitory. Unliving dummy bodies where we put our fear or desire, long railroads tracks for journey of unknown items, snowflakes as relics from frozen never-came stories... Aren't we keeping a part of uncovered mystery, or conscientiously hidden part of ourself ? These parts, 10 of 15 % parts, will survive after our life on earth. It needs other souls being able to capture and embrace them.
Material used : Canon A1 and Canon 650 analog cameras. Black and white films : Agfa APX, Foma Retropan 320, Ilford HP5 400, Pancro 400. Self developed, negatives scan.